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How To Get Established On A New Social Media Platform - The Yorkshire Marketing Company
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Hot to get established on a new social media platform by The Yorkshire Marketing Company

How To Get Established On A New Social Media Platform

Setting up a new social media account can feel daunting, especially when you see a follower count of zero. We’ve come up with a few simple ideas to help you get established on your new platforms. If you have more questions, don’t hesitate to get in touch with me!

Use your existing platforms

If you’ve just created a Twitter account, you should use your other platforms to promote it. Tell your Facebook followers. Tell your Instagram followers. Mention it at the end of your next blog post. This way your existing audience has the opportunity to visit your new account and follow it.

Brand up

This next point won’t get you followers directly, however it’s important to your presence on the site. Be sure that everything about your profile reflects your brand; your icon should be your logo, your website should be in your bio, you should have filled in all the contact details, and so on. This will show people that your account is a business, above all.


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, social networks are for networking. This can be useful when getting a new account established, as successfully networking with similar-minded business people can result in not only more followers but also mutual support.

Post, and post regularly

Very few people would consider following an account with no posts on it – I know I wouldn’t. Especially at the beginning of using a social media platform, it’s important to post regularly to build up a base. This also reduces the appearance of you being a ‘new account’.

Sponsored posts

If you’re really struggling to gain an audience on a new platform, it might be time to consider sponsored posts. Sponsored posts appear on the feeds of people who don’t follow you, in an attempt to attract their attention and gain their following. In my personal opinion, these are much better placed and more effective on Facebook and Instagram, rather than on Twitter.

I hope this post has helped you to get some ideas for how you can establish new social media accounts in the future. If you’d like to read about how to be successful on a specific platform, be sure to check out my previous blog posts for Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

If you still have questions then maybe it would help you to come along to one of our Social Media Cafes, or have a one-to-one session with The Yorkshire Marketing Company. Don’t hesitate to contact us!


Telephone: 01943489767


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