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My Story - The Yorkshire Marketing Company
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My Story

Ey Up!

So, who is this Yorkshire lass?


Ever wonder who is the heartbeat behind The Yorkshire Marketing Company?

It’s me, a proper Yorkshire lass, who took the reins in 2012, after a wild ride of 12 years as a Retail & Wholesale Marketing Manager in the fast-paced, stylish world of fashion retail.

Ben Sherman Tailoring, Alexandre Savile Row, Baracuta, “Tu” at Sainsbury’s and Debenhams are just a few of the big brand names I’ve had the pleasure of working on.


Flashback to 2010 – I was just stepping into the exciting world of motherhood. But, surprise! My return from maternity leave was met with redundancy. Yeah, it felt like a punch in the gut.

There I was, without a job, my savings spent on memorable moments with my baby.

All I had was my redundancy pay.


Did I crumble? No way! Instead, the fiery Yorkshire spirit roared back to life. Suddenly, I saw an opportunity to shape a career that moulded around my life, not the other way around.


So, this determined Yorkshire lass got back on her feet, noticing a niche just waiting to be filled: an experienced Marketing & Project Manager – me! – who could lend a creative, professional hand to SME’s, without the steep price tags of big-shot city agencies.

Just like that, Yorkshire Marketing Company was created.


Coupling my years of industry experience and an eclectic team of local independent experts I’ve met along the way – designers, web developers, copywriters, photographers and PR gurus – I deliver the best marketing and brand strategies that are crafted just for you!


So what’s YMC’s USP? I care, I mean REALLY care, to the extent where I’ve been called ‘The Brand Police’ by my clients in the past.

It’s my job to help you and your brand look and sound your absolute best, and to keep you 100% focused and on track!  And because you’re exclusively partnering with local, independent Yorkshire entrepreneurs, you’re guaranteed top-notch customer service and that warm fuzzy feeling of supporting local family-run businesses.


Over the years, I’ve worked my marketing magic on a diverse range of independent businesses; from fashion boutiques to fabulous foodies, holiday hotspots to travel gurus, injecting personality and building trust into their brands.


With YMC, we strive to give you that WOW factor, without breaking your bank.


Now, shall we chat about your next big project?

Let’s grab a ‘virtual’ cuppa (coffee if it’s morning, tea in the afternoon), and start brainstorming.



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